Medical Education Department

Medical Education Department

The Department of Medical Education at DAU College of Medicine was established in 2016 to support and enhance the quality of medical education through curriculum design ,faculty development,  implementation and follow-up of students’ activities .The student council works under the umbrella of medical education department in order to develop educational and academic process. The department includes 4 units: curriculum unit, Faculty development Unit, student activity unit and problem-based learning (PBL) unit and 1 committee: exam revision committee. Many courses also run under the department including Learning Skills, Medical Professionalism, Medical Informatics, Medical Ethics and Medical Research.

 The units and committee under the medical education department are:

  1. Curriculum Unit: Ensures that the undergraduate curriculum is well designed, implemented and meeting the international best practice standards in the medical education.
  2. Faculty Development Unit: Determines the specific training needs for the faculty members and technical staff in each academic department.
  3. Student activities unit: Coordinates all the tasks related to student activities.
  4. PBL unit: Adds problem-based learning to the curriculum to develop students’ thinking skills.
  5. Elective Courses and International Collaboration Unit: Coordinates the collaboration with international universities in common disciplines and aims to open international scientific channels for medical students.
  6. Exam revision committee: involved in the revision of exams of medical education courses

The courses run under the department include:

  • Learning Skills (SKLL 101) 2 CHR.
  • Medical Professionalism (SKI 221) 6 CHR.
  • Medical Informatics (MEDI 301) 2 CHR.
  • Medical Research (MEDI305) 6 CHR.
  • Medical Ethics (CMED 395) 3 CHR.
  • Elective course (ELC101) 3 CHR.
  • Elective course (ELC102) 3 CHR.