​​Registration Procedure​

​​Registration Procedure​

Registration through the Web

Registration through the Web at https://my.dau.edu.sa/sis

Registration at Dar Al Uloom University is done through the Web at https://my.dau.edu.sa/sis/ on pre-announced dates as per DAU Academic Calendar.


Preparation for Registration:

Offered Courses: Based upon the course offerings in previous semesters, lists of courses to be offered for the forthcoming semester are prepared by the colleges and University Preparatory Program. After being reviewed by the chairman of each department, the college coordinators entered them in SIS. After the final verification by the Registration Department at the Deanship of Admission, Registration, and Student Affairs, the Early Registration for the forthcoming semester is opened to all students. Students can register available courses by themselves or with the help of Academic Advisers or through college coordinators, based upon the pre-requisites they have completed.


Registration Procedure:

In the First Semester or the Second Semester, the minimum course load for Bachelor students is 12 credit hours, and the maximum course load is 20 credit hours. A student is permitted to register for more than 20 credit hours up 24 hours with the approval of his/her College or if this semester is his/her graduating semester. However, the minimum course load for Master students is 3 credit hours, and the maximum course load is 12 credit hours. A Master student is permitted to register for more than 12 credit hours upto 15 hours with the approval of his/her College or if this semester is his/her graduating semester. Moreover, In the Summer Semester, the minimum course load for Bachelor students is 1 credit hour, and the maximum course load is 10 credit hours. A student is permitted to register for more than 10 credit hours up 12 hours with the approval of his/her College or if this summer semester is his/her graduating semester and no Summer Semester for Master Programs at DAU.


Pre-requisites and Co-requisites:

The student is expected to know and follow all academic rules and regulations. It is entirely his/her responsibility to make sure that both pre-requisite and co-requisite requirements have been met for the courses added during the registration period.

He/she should refer to DAU’s website for course details including Pre-requisites/Co-requisites information. He/she can also get this information by clicking on Course Prerequisites menu in SIS or by clicking Achievement in academic plan menu.


Students on Co-op and Summer Training:

It is mandatory for students on Co-op and Summer Training to register early. This can be done through the web at https://my.dau.edu.sa/sis/.

Registration Activation:

Student Needs to pay the Course Registration Tuition Fees before registration. The payment can be made by visiting DAU Finance department. Other payment options are through ATM, by Visa or by direct deposit in the following bank account.

Bank name: SNB
Bank account number: 71100003041906
IBAN No: SA7110 0000 7110 000 304 1906.

Registration Closure:

Students who do not register the minimum credit hours required (12 for BA and 3 for MA) and do not post a request for “Register Less than Minimum Credit Hours” will have their registration deleted with academic status ”Blocked”.

Deleting and Adding a Course or Section after the start of the Early Registration:

Deleting a Course: Where any course has to be deleted, the concerned department should formally notify the Office of the Deanship of Admission, Registration, and Student Affairs about the decision through their respective Deans. The department should also advise all students who are registered in the course to officially drop that course from their schedules.

Deleting a Section:
Where any section has to be deleted, the concerned department should formally notify the Office of the Deanship of Admission, Registration, and Student Affairs about this decision through their respective Deans. The department should also advise all students registered in the section to officially drop that section from their schedules. It is the student’s responsibility to drop that section and add another section or alternatively, to drop the course.

Adding a Course:
Where any section has to be added, the concerned department should formally notify the Office of the Deanship of Admission, Registration, and Student Affairs about this decision through their respective Deans.

Adding a Section:
Where any section has to be added, the concerned department should formally notify the Office of the Deanship of Admission, Registration, and Student Affairs about this decision through their respective Deans.

All academic departments are urged to exercise extreme caution when adding or deleting a section or course due to the direct impact of these matters on the academic future of students.

Repeating Courses:

A student who obtains a failing grade “F” or “DN” in a required course must repeat that course. Additionally, a student who wishes to improve his/her academic standing may repeat a course for which he/she has previously obtained a D or a D+ grade.

When a course is repeated, all grades will be recorded in the student’s transcript.

Change of Sections:

Students can change the sections of a course during the registration period via their account in SIS on designated dates as per the DAU Academic Calendar.

Course Withdrawal with grade of ‘W”:

Students may withdraw from one course or more with grade of “W” on designated dates as per the Academic Calendar. If a student requests to withdraw from all registered courses, then this shall be considered as a Semester Withdrawal.

The exact dates of deadlines for withdrawal of courses will appear in the DAU Academic Calendar for that particular semester.