

The DAU family has taken upon itself the sponsorship of gifted Saudi students through its scholarship programmes. These programmes are just some of the many steps taken towards accomplishing DAU’s commitment to fulfilling its social roles and responsibilities, by offering higher education opportunities for gifted Saudis with the potential to excel in serving their societies. The granted scholarships may cover tuition fees in full or in part depending on the type of scholarship. DAU has two scholarships programmes:

Dar Al Uloom University supports its students through scholarship programs, namely:

1-The Dar Al Uloom Schools Graduate Scholarship Program.

2-Ministry of Education Scholarships Program (Internal Scholarships).

3-Ministry of Education grants program for special cases.

4-University scholarship program for the children of martyrs.

5-The university’s partial scholarship program for its new and regular students at a rate of 50% and 20% according to specific regulations.