Graduate Attributes and Learning Outcomes

Graduate Attributes and Learning Outcomes

College Graduate Attributes:

  1. Scientific Knowledge.
  2. Standard Oral Care.
  3. Professionalism and Ethics.
  4. Leadership.
  5. Teamwork.
  6. Critical Thinking.
  7. Communication and Community Engagement.
  8. Lifelong Continues Education.

BDS Program learning Outcomes:

Knowledge and Understanding:

K1 Describe the sound knowledge of the human body’s anatomy, physiology and biochemistry related to dental specialty.
K2 Describe sound knowledge of the host defense mechanisms in relation to microbial diseases and other health hazards.
K3 Outline basic fundamentals and theories of oral and maxillofacial pathology and diseases.
K4 State an understanding of the clinical and laboratory procedures related to the practice of dental specialty.
K5 Define sound knowledge of behavioral sciences, ethics, professionalism and communication methods in dentistry.
K6 Describe the basic principles of practice management in dentistry.
K7 Define sound knowledge of research methodology in the field of dentistry.



S1 Diagnose common oral and para-oral diseases / conditions as well as malocclusion based on appropriate examination and investigations and on proper understanding of relevant principles and theories.
S2 Design treatment planning for oral and para-oral diseases / conditions and malocclusion based on proper application of problem solving, critical thinking and decision-making skills.
S3 Implement patients’ management strategies using evidence-based dentistry.
S4 Design and write a sequential and comprehensive treatment plan required for comprehensive patient treatment.
S5 Identify the community oral health problem and design solutions to address them.
S6 Communicate effectively with patients, colleagues and be familiar with patient electronic management system.
S7 Operate basic statistical software for data analysis and the use of audio-visual communication
technology for data presentation.
S8 Perform different basic clinical procedures related to different dental specialties following a safe practice protocol with good manual dexterity.
S9 Perform different basic laboratory procedures related to different dental specialties following a safe practice protocol with good manual dexterity.
S10 Operate different equipment related to different dental specialties that are part of basic dental treatments.


V1 Appraise professionally with patients and colleagues and health care providers based on the ethics standards.
V2 Cooperate with all members of the profession in a team work approach.
V3 Exercise proficient self-management, motivation and planning.