DAU’s BSC Automating

DAU’s BSC Automating

It is necessary to automate DAU’s BSC in order to create a visual representation of its strategy map, cascade a high-level scorecard down to customized scorecards at the following levels, communicate scorecards to all university entities, and provide a new framework for reporting and providing feedback to make strategy a continuous process.

Scorecard automation solutions allow DAU’s academic and administrative leaders to:

  • use the scorecard as a dashboard control panel and monitoring system to see a comprehensive picture of DAU’s health and effectiveness in achieving its goals, objectives, initiatives, and actions. The Balanced Scorecard builds that picture with financial and non-financial KPIs, such as revenues and incomes, student enrollment, education quality, students communication and performance, faculties and administrative staff competencies, scientific research and innovation, community engagement, academic Programs’ marketing and attracting students, etc.
  • visually see cause-and-effect relationships that demonstrate how every selected strategic objective should be part of a chain of events that leads to DAU’s goals. Using a scorecard, DAU’s academic and administrative leaders identify root causes of performance issues, and then develop improvement plans aligned with DAU’s strategy.
  • ensure that all DAU’s entities speak the same language, so DAU’s academic and administrative leaders can make valid comparisons between colleges, and academic departments and programs. The BSC automation also makes it easier for DAU’s entities to share information, such as performance and best practices that have proven effective in different entities. 
  • ensure accountability and control across all DAU’s entities (support units, colleges, academic departments) to obtain better performances and higher shareholder value.

BSC software is implemented for the following reasons:

  • Data integration: integrating data from multiple data sources.
  • Data analysis and storing: analyzing the data across all data sets of the scorecard.
  • Communication and collaboration: facilitating communication of performance data among users top down and bottom up.

BSC Portal Link : https://www.webbsc.com/login