Smart Learning Unit (SLU)

Smart Learning Unit (SLU)

The SLU provides a wide range of eLearning-related services to facilitate teaching and improve student learning and engagement using technology-enhanced learning tools and techniques. SLU is established in the light of trends affecting the education landscape and in response to the growing demand to provide students with a flexible learning environment not confined by time and geographical location. The unit’s main responsibilities are as follows.

  1. To establish guidelines for the effective implementation of distance learning to meet the needs of the students for a richer and unique learning experience;
  2. To build staff and faculty skills in the use of technology-enhanced learning tools in teaching in line with DAU’s learning development guidelines and requirements
  3. To coordinate with the IT department in acquiring appropriate technologies in line with DAU’s Learning and teaching requirements.
  4. To explore partnerships to enhance DAU’s distance learning practices using pedagogy-enabled technologies and resources.
  5. To work closely with the colleges and IT to ensure technology use and alignment with DAU’s strategic direction and students learning experiences.


  • Members of Smart Learning Unit SLU
Ms. Azza Omran Manger