Graduate Attributes and Learning Outcomes

Graduate Attributes

  1. Take initiative in identifying and resolving problems and issues both individually and in group situations exercising leadership in pursuit of innovative and practical solutions.

  2. Recognize the provisional nature of Marketing and take this into account in investigating and proposing solutions to academic or professional issues.

  3. Apply the theoretical knowledge and methods of inquiry from Marketing in considering issues and problems in other contexts.

  4. Participate in scholar activities to keep up to date with developments in Marketing and continue to enhance their own knowledge and understanding.

  5. Consistently demonstrate leadership and interpersonal skills, characterized by ethical behavior, in performing organizational activities.

  6. Behave in ways that are consistent with Islamic values and beliefs, and reflect high levels of loyalty, responsibility, and commitment to service to society.

MKT Program Learning Outcomes


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Marketing Program learning Outcomes

Knowledge :


Describe the impact of business environment and practices on marketing planning processes; and marketing strategies selection and its implementation and evaluation.


Demonstrate Marketing knowledge required for developing effective marketing strategies.


Discuss the implications of segmentation, targeting and positioning decisions on consumers/ competitors/ distributors.


Recognize and demonstrate knowledge of marketing’s new trends such as e-marketing, social media, event marketing.


Possess technological, mathematical, accounting and financial knowledge used in the marketing decisions making.



Recommend the type of research and needed data to evaluate different situations.


Apply management techniques, quantitative analysis tools and problem-solving methodologies in response to the business needs of the organization.


Evaluate different Marketing strategies and modes of entries and identify their impacts on marketing decisions locally and internationally.



Demonstrate interpersonal skills necessary to be successful in a marketing department.


Exercise leadership in pursuit of innovative and practical solutions.


Demonstrate entrepreneurial skills and participate in teams to implement and coordinate organizational activities.


Apply effective information technology, analytical, mathematical and/or statistical techniques for data analysis, critical thinking and problem solving.


Communicate effectively both orally and in writing using the proper presentation forms, Islamic values, related language and reasoning appropriate for business situations.