About UPP Description

About UPP Description

As an integral part of DAU’s academic system, The University Preparatory Program (UPP) has been designed to provide students with authentic learning experiences and help them to learn to appreciate knowledge, practical life skills, and personal attributes through state-of-the-art curriculum and innovative teaching methodologies. The UPP stands as an essential component of our commitment to academic excellence.
The UPP delivers instruction in a number of common, general education courses which are intended to provide newly admitted students the opportunity to broaden their general knowledge and enhance essential generic/transferrable skills. This comprehensive approach enables students to make informed decisions across various facets of their lives, encouraging a profound understanding and active participation as informed citizens in local, national, and global affairs. The courses are designed to complement professional outcomes of major degree programs by exposing students to diverse areas of study beyond their chosen fields.
Aligned with the Ministry of Education’s program study requirements, UPP courses adhere to DAU’s Mission and its envisioned graduate attributes. This alignment ensures a harmonious integration of foundational education principles, contributing to the holistic development of students within the broader educational landscape.