About the Department-aa

About the Department-aa

In alignment with the Kingdom’s vision for 2030, the Department of Humanities is dedicated to attaining the highest standards of excellence. Our primary objective is to cultivate students’ knowledge and skills across diverse fields, essential for their university and future endeavors. We are committed to delivering quality education within a stimulating and creative learning environment.
The department’s comprehensive curriculum includes courses such as Arabic Language Skills, Islamic Culture, University Skills, Computer Skills, Health Education & Fitness, Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills, as well as Principles of Mathematics and Statistics. These courses are designed to meet students’ needs within and beyond the university setting, exposing them to advanced thinking patterns and involving them in scientific research employing technological resources. Furthermore, emphasis is placed on enhancing computer skills, instilling modern technology concepts, and promoting healthy behaviors.
Within this active, vibrant and dynamic environment, students benefit from the expertise of a diverse and enthusiastic faculty. The University Preparation Program actively encourages student participation in a spectrum of academic and extracurricular activities, including sports and cultural pursuits. Such engagements contribute significantly to their academic and social development, fostering a collaborative and supportive team spirit.