News Archive

Dar Al-Uloom Board of  Trustees Discusses The Bi-annual Report and Academic Plan For the Programs

Dar Al-Uloom Board of Trustees Discusses The Bi-annual Report and Academic Plan For the Programs

Dar Al-Uloom University Board of Trustees discussed the bi-annual report for the University and Bachelor’s programs for the College of Law and Business Administration, in addition to the two Masters programs in Humanities in General and Specific Law. The Board also discussed nominations for a number of teaching staff members. The meeting held its second […] المزيد

Student Support Center Organizes Trust Your Abilities.. Let Anxiety Aside & Start Learning Lecture

Student Support Center Organizes Trust Your Abilities.. Let Anxiety Aside & Start Learning Lecture

The Student Support Center at the Deanship of Admissions, Registration and Student Affairs organized a lecture entitled “Trust your Abilities,  Let Anxiety Aside and Start Learning”, presented by Dr. Shahela Al-Tayeb, Head of the Department of Mental Health at Prince Nayef University for Security Sciences. In the lecture, which was attended by a number of […] المزيد

The Central Library Initiates World Book Day

The Central Library Initiates World Book Day

On Monday 23rd. April and under the patronage of His Excellency Dr. Khalid Al-Hamoudi, the University’s Rector, the Central Library of Dar Al Uloom University organized the World Book Day at the University’s Theater, in the presence of the University’s vice deans , faculty members and other university saff. The celebration was attended by Dr. […] المزيد

College of Medicine Dar Al Uloom Organizes Anemia Awareness Campaign

College of Medicine Dar Al Uloom Organizes Anemia Awareness Campaign

The College of Medicine at Dar Al Uloom University, represented by fourth year students, organized an anemia awareness campaign on Monday 9th. April at Prince Mohammed bin Abdulaziz Hospital in Riyadh. The campaign, which was headed by the student Aya Al Bayat, was launched by Dr. Ayman Al-Bayyat, Vice-Dean of the College of Medicine. The […] المزيد

College of Medicine at Dar Al Uloom University Organizes Awareness Campaign on Colon Cancer

College of Medicine at Dar Al Uloom University Organizes Awareness Campaign on Colon Cancer

On March 26, fifth year female students at the  College of Medicine at Dar Al Uloom University organized a colorectal cancer awareness campaign under the slogan of “Our Awareness is Our Protection”, in Prince Muhammad Bin Abdulaziz Hospital as part of World Cancer Awareness Month. The campaign which was managed by the student Sara Al-Nafea, […] المزيد

Deputy Prince of Riyadh Sponsors Graduation Ceremony of DAU Seventh Batch of Students

Deputy Prince of Riyadh Sponsors Graduation Ceremony of DAU Seventh Batch of Students

His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman bin Abdulaziz, Deputy Governor of Riyadh, on Wednesday (April 11th) patronized the graduation ceremony of the seventh batch of students in the Cultural Centre at Dar Al Uloom University. He was welcomed by His Excellency Mr. Abdulaziz bin Ali Al Tuwaijri, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, […] المزيد