News Archive

Base on the importance of mental health and its impact on the individual, students from Collage of Medicine at Dar Al-Uloom University proposed a campaign to raise awareness for mental health.

Base on the importance of mental health and its impact on the individual, students from Collage of Medicine at Dar Al-Uloom University proposed a campaign to raise awareness for mental health.

On October 13th, the Medical Student Council at Dar Al-Uloom University hosted The World Mental Health Day Awareness under the theme of “Mental Health in an Unequal World”. They invited honorable members of the faculty to participate in the campaign, namely, the Directorate of Medical Education, Dr. Bandar Al Jafen, and Head of the Student […] المزيد

البرنامج التعريفي لأعضاء هيئة التدريس الجدد يختتم الأسبوع الثاني من فعالياته التدريبية

البرنامج التعريفي لأعضاء هيئة التدريس الجدد يختتم الأسبوع الثاني من فعالياته التدريبية

اختتمت وحدة ثقافة الجودة التابعة لإدارة الجودة بالجامعة فعاليات التدريب للأسبوع الثاني الذي حفل بالعديد من الورش التدريبية ، في مقدمتها ورشة تفعيل الارشاد الأكاديميى على النظام قدمتها الأستاذة منال الحمود عضو هيئة التدريس بكلية إدارة الأعمال ، ثم ورشة الإشاد الأكاديمي قدمتها الدكتورة مها الكلاب رئيس قسم العلوم الانسانية في برنامج الإعداد الجامعي ، […] المزيد

Deanship of Graduate Studies & Research Organizes First Graduate Student Meeting at COB

Deanship of Graduate Studies & Research Organizes First Graduate Student Meeting at COB

The Deanship of Graduate Studies &. Research at DAU has organized the first student meeting of the current academic year for graduate students at the College of Business Administration, with the aim of maintaining direct communication between the Deanship and the college administration on the one hand, and male and female students on the other […] المزيد

DAU Signs Cooperation Memorandum with HADAF to Support Students’ Preparedness, Training, and Employment

DAU Signs Cooperation Memorandum with HADAF to Support Students’ Preparedness, Training, and Employment

The University of Dar Al Uloom has concluded a memorandum of cooperation with the Human Resources Development Fund (HADAF), to support the training, preparation and employment of the university’s students and to ensure that their skills and professional competencies are aligned with the actual needs of the labor market, by making use of the Fund’s […] المزيد

Research for Beginners; The 1st Clinical Research Course at the College of Medicine is very popular.

Research for Beginners; The 1st Clinical Research Course at the College of Medicine is very popular.

The student council of the college of medicine of Dar Aluloom held it’s first clinical research course which is titled “Clinical Research for Beginners” which is supervised and supported by the Dean of College of Medicine:Prof. Abdulrahman Aljumah and the Head of Medical Education Dr. Bandar Aljafen. The event was organized by a number of […] المزيد

The Delegation of the French Supreme Council to Evaluate Research and Higher Education on its Final Visit to the Faculty of Law

The Delegation of the French Supreme Council to Evaluate Research and Higher Education on its Final Visit to the Faculty of Law

As part of the university’s law school’s efforts to achieve its objectives in obtaining National and international accreditations for its academic programs, a delegation from the French Supreme Council for Research and Higher Education Evaluation (HCERES) accompanied by several legal specialists visited the university and college on Monday and Tuesday, June 14 and June 15, […] المزيد