Medical Student Council Spreads Cancer Awareness

Under the supervision of Dr. Bandar Al Jafan, the Student Council of the College of Medicine at Dar Al Uloom University organized a World Cancer Day event at Sharafat Al Nada Complex in Riyadh City. Students at the event highlighted the most widely spread types of cancer according the Saudi Health Council, including in order, breast cancer, which ranked first in the Kingdom at a spreading rate of 16.1%, colorectal cancer at a rate of 11.9%, thyroid cancer at a rate of 7.6%, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma at a rate of 6.4%, thyroid gland cancer at a rate of 6.4, Leukemia with a rate of 5.9%, in addition to cervical cancer which was not included among the ten most prevalent types in the Kingdom, but was nonetheless mentioned due to its ferocity and the need to raise awareness of the availability of the related immunization vaccine for girls between the ages of 9-13 years. A special corner for children was organized that included various activities, such as face painting, coloring, and distributing balloons. The event was organized in partnership with Takamul Health Association, Numer Apparel, LE NAFO, 66 CUPS, NUMERO, Doff and DOPA ART. During the event, in which a number of faculty members participated, His Excellency Prof. Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Hamidi, Head of Basic Medical Sciences Department, presented certificates of thanks to the event’s partners.