Graduate Studies and Research Concludes the “an hour of knowledge” Program with College of Dentistry

The Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research at Dar Al Uloom University concluded the “an hour of knowledge” program with the participation of the Faculty of College of Dentistry, in the presence of the dean of the college, faculty members and students.
Professor Bulqees Daghestani, Vice Dean of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, welcomed the attendees, stressing that the program next year will not only review published research but will also organize research workshops between students and faculty members.
Dr. Nafessa Tabassum, one of the Faculty members, gave a presentation on the research conducted by the Faculty of Dentistry College, with statistics on the types of scientific research, its number, and the contributions of faculty members.
Dr. Hisham Al-Moallim, the dean of the college, explained that the establishment of a research center in the college would help to increase the research and raise its quality. He also indicates that the faculty members are conducting scientific research in partnership with other institutions and working on inventions in dentistry and new methods of treatments and preventions.
At the end of the meeting, Prof. Dagestani thanked the attendees for their participation and wished the students success in their postgraduate studies.