Architecture Department Concludes Professional Development & Community Service Program

The Department of Architectural Engineering at Dar Al Uloom University has concluded the professional development & community service program for the second semester of 2020-2021. The program ,in which a number of faculty members both male and female participated, included 11 workshops remotely presented via the Microsoft Team platform. The workshops tackled a wide range of topics including technical topics related to the field of architecture and the latest design and performance techniques, topics on the mechanisms of applying quality standards and activating them through courses, topics related to community service and those aiming at raising awareness of the importance of the profession and the labor market and how to accommodate its needs. The discussion of modern technologies in the field of architecture, such as the Revit, Lumion, AutoCad, Photoshop programs, attracted the highest rates of interaction and attendance. The workshops, which discussed some of the most prominent programs and advanced building modeling techniques, were presented in a simplified way so as to benefit students, specialized and unspecialized attendees.
The program also included the activation of the scientific research cooperation agreement between the University of Dar Al Uloom and the King Faisal Center for Research & Islamic Studies. During the program, Dr. Hind Abdel Moneim had in an open discussion in which she presented the content and results of a joint research paper between students and faculty members of the Department of Architecture with the title of The Impact of the Coronavirus (COVID -19) On social life in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Guests from the university of Dar AL Uloom and from other universities in addition to a number of researchers and interested people from the King Faisal Center for Research & Islamic Studies all participated in the discussion.
In the pursuit of the highest levels of professionalism in the services provided to university employees and the community, the Head of the Architectural Engineering Department, Dr.Mustafa Ramadan, stressed the importance of measuring the level of satisfaction of all beneficiaries and the provision of opportunities to get their feedback and realize their interests, in order to keep pace with the needs of society and the labor market and address them from a creative, specialized perspective that simplifies information and presents it to university employees and the community in a modern format that is comprehensive and detailed as needed, through carrying out questionnaires that measure the extent of beneficiaries’ satisfaction and by dealing with it with a high degree of seriousness, and taking it into consideration in the development of the program in the coming years. Dr Ramadan thanked and expressed appreciation for everyone who participated in this program and contributed to its success, including the department’s public relations team that organized and followed up the program in cooperation with the Public Relations Department at the university until it was crowned with success. He expressed special thanks to the faculty members who took the initiative to participate in this community service and he valued their efforts and time. It is worth mentioning that the program has reaped nearly 1500 participants and interactions throughout the academic year 2020-2021 AD, with a general satisfaction rate of 4.85 / 5.