Department’s Vision, Mission and Goals


To be one of the leading regional accounting departments in providing academic programs in the accounting field.



Provide quality accounting education through creating a supportive and developed educational environment, enhancing research activities, and seeking to promote valuable relationships with business and professional communities.


1: Create a positive work climate at the level of Accounting Department promoting sense of responsibility, integrity and transparency.

2: Offer a high-quality curriculum in the field of accounting to provide accounting graduates with high skill level in both theory and practice to meet the dynamic needs of labor market.

3: Adopt appropriate teaching strategies and learning resources that ensure quality of accounting education.

4: Develop and promote research activities of faculty members and students.

5: Enhance the quality assurance process for Accounting Program accreditation.

6: Activate partnership and cooperation between the Accounting Department, scientific and academic institutions, professional organizations, and relevant stakeholders (employers, alumni and business communities).