Department News and Events


Finance and Banking Program Achieved ETECKSA Accreditation


In alignment with Dar Al Uloom university’s important initiative to attain national accreditation for all its programs and continued efforts to enhance graduates’ quality and their readiness to participate in the labor market and as an important contribution to realizing the goals of the Kingdom’s 2030 vision. The Finance and Banking Bachelor’s Program of The College of Business Administration (COB) has attained the Education and Training Evaluation Commission ETECKSA accreditation.


The Dean of College of Business Administration, Prof. Abdulrahman Alsultan, thanked the program’s team members for their efforts and distinguished performance, which was reflected on program’s quality and its attainment of this qualitative national accreditation. Prof. Alsultan also expressed his thanks and appreciation to His Excellency DAU’s Chairman of the Board of Trustees and His Excellency the President of the University for their continuous support for the program’s that expedited COB’s efforts to obtain accreditation.







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The National Center for Academic Accreditation and Assessment conducts the final site visit for the Finance and Banking Program within the process of programmatic accreditation.


In alignment with the  university initiative to attain accreditation for all its programs to improve the quality of its outputs and its graduates’ readiness for the labor market to contribute to realizing the goals of the Kingdom’s 2030 vision, the Education and Training Evaluation Commission represented by the National Center for Academic Accreditation and Assessment conducted the final (virtual) four-days assessment site visit during the period from 21st  to 24th February 2021 within the project at the programmatic level for the Bachelor of Finance and Banking program at the College of Business Administration at Dar Al Uloom University.

The virtual site visit involved 13 sessions during which the external review panel, together with the National Center for Academic Accreditation and Assessment representatives held meetings with the program faculty members, the college and university officials. Examined and discussed during these meetings were the criteria for program accreditation and the level of compliance achieved by the program practices in meeting same which would render the program qualified to attain program accreditation from the Education and Training Evaluation Commission. The visit also included a virtual tour of various university facilities, including classrooms, laboratories, the central library, gyms, swimming pools and other facilities in the male and female sections.

Prof. Abdulrahman AlSultan, the college Dean, expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the program team for their great efforts in preparing the self-study report and completing all accreditation requirements. He also thanked all the employees of the university departments and members of the program’s advisory board, the employers and training bodies, the students, and alumni who participated in those sessions. Last but not least, he expressed his deep gratitude and appreciation to the leaders of the university, spearheaded by His Excellency the Chairman of the Board of Trustees and His Excellency the President of the University for their great support for the program’s efforts to obtain accreditation, which had a great impact in facilitating the completion of this task, asking the Almighty to culminate these efforts with the Finance and Banking Program obtaining programmatic accreditation soon, God willing .