Advisory Council

     The advisory council a consultative body, that comprises a blend of professional experts and academics, aiming to promote program’s research and professional and community partnership; to ensure that graduates are equipped with the appropriate knowledge and competences in alignment with the labor market needs and expectations; and to facilitate effective participation of employment sectors in program’s development.

Members of the advisory council:
  1. Hussain Abusaq: Chief of Economist and Head of Research at KPMG, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
  2. Ahmed Al-Mohsen: Chief Financial Officer at Al-Rajhi Capital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
  3. Adel Almomen: Former Vice Dean and Former Head of the Department of Insurance and Risk Management at the College of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Imam Mohamed Bin Saud University. An Assistant professor at Prince Sultan University, Department of Finance.
  4. Loay Bin Mousa: Board of Director, Investment Committee Member at Al-Ahlaih Insurance company.
  5. Abduallah Alshilash: Assistant Manager, Investment Banking, Alkhair Capital.
  6. Ala’a Adden Abuhommous: Head of Finance and Banking Department at COB.
  7. Jumah Alzyadat: Assistant Professor, Finance and Banking Department at COB.
  8. Zahra Alnaser: Assistant Professor, Finance and Banking Department at COB.