The Architecture Program at DAU, Welcomed the First NAAB Visit in 2014  for the Substantial Equivalency Dar Al Uloom University is targeting the academic accreditation for all of the University’s academic programs. Following this  policy and orientation, the achievement of NAAB Substantial  Equivalency  was very  much  supported  since the first beginning and the NAAB delegate  from US, Mr. Schwartz, who visited the CADD college and the architectural program operating the first visit in April 2014 was welcomed by His Excellency,  Abdulaziz A. Al-Tuwaijri, the president of the Board of Trustees, Prof. Abdullah Al- Mudimigh, the Rector of the University, Prof. Ahmad Al-Shumaimry, the vice rector of the University and Dr. Ayman Al-Musharaf, the Dean of the College. Also, all our faculty and students were very much pleased to welcome the NAAB visit. The Visit was successfully approving the general consistency of the Program and the facilities, i also gave the opportunity to students and faculties to get a lecture from Mr. Schwatz about the US National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB).