World Diabetes Day

The Community Service Unit of the Faculty of Dentistry took part in World Diabetes Day in cooperation with the Ministry of Health’s National Program for the Control of Diabetes Mellitus, which was set up at the Ministry of Health building in the Digital City and attended by sixth year students.
The event aimed to familiarize itself with diabetes, its types, ways of preventing it, and ways of treating it. Also how diabetes is related to oral health and how to care for oral and dental health in a diabetic. General awareness advice has also been provided, including exercise and a healthy diet.
The University and the Ministry of Health have made efforts to prevent diabetes. The event included a special dental examination corner, a cumulative and random sugar examination corner and a blood pressure test. The students participating in the event were trained by the Ministry of Health.
The event was interacted by attendees who eventually acclaimed the excellence, the accuracy of organization and the speed of visitor service.