DAU’s Medical Students Score High in SNS Conference

Students of the College of Medicine at Dar AL Uloom University have won an award for one of the best five research posters out of more than 212 posters representing many Arab countries and the United Kingdom at the the Pan Arab & 13th GCC & 26th SNS Conference, which was held in Jeddah between 12-14 January, 2023. The conference is the largest of its kind in the Middle East on neurology that addresses latest advances in the diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases.
Under the supervision and follow-up of Dr. Bandar Al-Jafn, associate Professor and Consultant of Neuroscience at DAU’s College of Medicine, DAU students, represented by Fifth year student Rahma Al-Sawad , together with her female peers Esraa Al-Hamoud, Rawan Al-
Anzi, Waad Al-Shanqeeti, Walaa Al-Khamis, Zahraa Al-Amer, competed with other participants and responded to arbitrators’ questions, an effort that culminated in their research paper entitled Impact of burnout and sleep deprivation on neurology residents’ performance in Saudi Arabia winning the award. It is worth noting that this research was among four medical research submitted by college students, which were accepted as research posters at the conference, namely
1- Predictors and prevalence of depression in mesial temporal sclerosis epileptic patients. Cross-sectional multicenter study.
2- Current Practice and Safety Measures in Epilepsy Monitoring Units in The Gulf Cooperation Council Countries: A Cross-Sectional Study
3- Self-medication among Healthcare Providers with Migraine in Saudi Arabia
4- Impact of burnout and sleep deprivation on neurology residents’ performance in Saudi Arabia
This all reflects the Deanship of the College of Medicine’s keenness to boost scientific research, which is one of the main pillars of the college’s strategic plan. We ask God Almighty for success and reimbursement for all.