DAU’s CADD & Hirfa Sign Cooperation Agreement.

The College of Architecture and Digital Design at Dar Al Uloom University signed a cooperation agreement with the Hirfah Cooperative Society, as part of the university’s goals to establish a culture of community envolvement, and contribute to the process of sustainable development, community service and the environment, using its available research facilities and various deanships.
The agreement was signed by Prof. Dr. Abdul Aziz Al-Ghunaimi, Dean of the College, and Executive Director of the Hirfa Cooperative Society, Dr. Areej Bint Abdullah Al-Dahesh, in the presence of Dr. Mustafa Ramadan, Head of the Architecture Department, Dr. Hussam Al-Samati, Head of the Interior Design Department, Dr. Inas Rashid, Assistant Professor in the Graphic Design Department, and Professor Arwa Al-Sayed Lecturer and activities supervisor in the Department of Interior Design.
The two parties agreed on the joint coordination of conducting special training and qualification programs for female students and graduates of the Interior and Graphic Design departments, in accordance with the training policies of the first party, with the possibility of employing the distinguished ones. The two sides also agreed on the mutual supervision of some of the students’ projects at the two departments after merging them with the requirements and needs of the community.
The memorandum also included the agreement on motivating students and professors at the two departments to support the designs of productive families at the Crafts Association by integrating them into the courses of furniture design, innovative design, packaging and infographic skills.
After signing the agreement, Dr. Al-Dahsh was shown a classroom in the Interior Design Department, where she held a workshop with the students of the Design Studio course about their participation in designing a Hirfa Cafe through the integration of the project with the content of one of the design courses at the department, and the mutual coordination between the course teacher and supervisors from the Hirfa Society .