DAU receives Full Institutional Accreditation

At the Third Conference on Quality in Higher Education, HE Dr. Ahmed bin Mohammed Al-Essa, Chairman of the Board of Education Evaluation, presented the unconditional, full institutional accreditation document to DAU Rector, Prof. Dr. Khalid Bin Abdul Rahman Al-Hamoudi.
The university has obtained this unconditional, full institutional accreditation from the Education Evaluation Commission – the National Commission for. Academic Accreditation & Assessment., after meeting all the criteria & requirements for institutional academic accreditation.
The accreditation comes after Dar Al Uloom University has fulfilled the requirements of the eleven criteria set by the National Center for Academic Accreditation and Assessment, which cover academic & administrative aspects, services, facilities and equipment.
The university was granted accreditation by the Education Evaluation Commission after a week-long visit to the university by a team of international experts specialized in the field of quality and academic accreditation. The visit was preceded by several visits to ensure the readiness of the university and the completion of its plans, policies and institutional and academic procedures.
This achievement is in line with the vision and mission of the university. Its importance stems from the fact that it reflects the increasing level of quality at the university and it culminates the continuous efforts made by its employees. It also reflects the university’s constant quest to attract distinguished academic and administrative competencies, and its persistence in ensuring continuous improvement and upgrading in quality.