Dar Al Uloom Engineering organizes a lecture about ‘green concrete’

The College of Architecture and Digital Design at Dar Al Uloom University, in co-operation with the Saudi Council of Engineers, organised a lecture entitled ‘Using natural building materials in projects and achieving sustainable development in the Kingdom’s Vision 2030’. This was held last Sunday, February 4, in the auditorium.
The lecture was presented by Dr Muhammad Tajudin AlHaj Husain, the Head of the Concrete Section at the Saudi Council of Engineers. It was also attended by Dr Mansour AlJadid, Dean of the College of Architecture and Digital Design, a number of faculty, a number of male and female students, a group from Safito company for petrochemicals, and attendees from outside the University.
The lecture discussed using natural volcanic, natural material for sustaining projects, such as ancient Roman projects. The lecture also included a presentation regarding the project of the female student, Basmah Al-Khatib, who was supervised by a lecturer in a competition about ‘Green covers’ at Aramco company.
At the end of the lecture, Dr Al-Jadid handed a certificate of appreciation to Dr Muhammad Taj as a token of valuing the efforts of the latter in enriching aspects of sustainability. Dr Al-Jadid also handed the female student Basmah Al-Khatib a certificate of appreciation from the College for her distinction in the competition, ‘Green covers’.