Dar Al-Uloom Board of Trustees Discusses The Bi-annual Report and Academic Plan For the Programs

Dar Al-Uloom University Board of Trustees discussed the bi-annual report for the University and Bachelor’s programs for the College of Law and Business Administration, in addition to the two Masters programs in Humanities in General and Specific Law. The Board also discussed nominations for a number of teaching staff members. The meeting held its second meeting for the academic year 2017/2018 CE and it was chaired by His Excellency Mr Abdul-Aziz Al-Tuwaijry, head of Board of Trustees last Tuesday evening, 8 Shaban 143 AH (24 April 2018 CE).
The meeting was attended by the members of the Board: His Excellency Professor Dr Khalid bin Abdul-Rahman Al-Humodi, President of the University as a member, Her Excellency Ms Nourah bint Abdullah Al-Fayiz as a member, respected Professor Dr Ahmad bin Salim Al-Amri as a member, respected Professor Mansur bin Ibrahim Al-Mansur as a member, respected Professor Dr Abdul-Aziz bin Ali Al-Khudhairy as a member, respected Dr Talat bin Thafir Al-Qahtani as a member, respected Dr Ahmad bin Abdul-Aziz Al-Saqiyah as a member, respected Dr. Muhammad bin Salih Al-Ardhawi as a member, respected Dr Raid bin Ibrahim Al-Sadhan as a member, respected Engineer Zaid bin Abdullah Al-Shabanat as a member, respected Ms Nouf bint Abdul-Aziz Al-Tuwaijri as a member, and respected Mr Nawaf bin Abdul Aziz Al-Tuwaijri as a member.
His Excellency, the Chair of the Board of Trustees, welcomed the attendees. The agenda included approval of the minutes for the first meeting of the Board of Trustees for the academic year 2017/2018 CE, nominating a number of teaching staff members, and approval of the biannual university report (executive report), in addition to approval the creation of Centre for community service, and the estimated budget for the year 2018/2019 CE.