CADD Organizes Exhibition for Graduation Projects

The College of Architecture and Digital Design has organized an exhibition for student graduation projects at the Department of Architecture. The exhibition included sixteen projects, which displayed among other things tourist resorts, museums, cultural and commercial centers, entertainment cities, and research centers. Each project had its own distinctive, innovative ideas and creative designs that reflected the sophistication of thinking, knowledge and skill building among graduates of the Department. The graduating students received praise from the arbitration committee on their creativity reflected at all stages of doing the projects, starting from choosing the project to preparing the architectural program and ending with implementing the three-dimensional perspectives, which illustrate their acquired skills in expressing ideas.
Course instructors, Prof. Dr. El-Sayed Amer and Prof. Dr. Mustafa Ramadan, and participants from the business sector in the arbitration committee, namely Prof. Dr. Adham Etman, Dr. Mushabab Al-Jarman, Engineer Asaad Al-Faifi, Engineer Anas Al-Jarf, and Engineer Ghiath Al-Shawa expressed their thanks to the students for their hard work and diligence throughout their academic life. They assured students that practical, working life
awaits their innovative and modern thinking, and praised the skills they have mastered in line with the DAU’s graduate attributes, encouraging them to value the importance of their role in making a paradigm shift and in keeping pace with the Kingdom’s vision of 2030, and in being one of the nation’s pillars.
Professor Dr. Mustafa Ramadan, Head of the Architectural Engineering Department, emphasized that although the academic relationship between students and the university may have ended, the life-long earning process throughout practical life is never ending, emphasizing that the department, through its strategic partnerships with the labor market and influential leaders in the field of architecture in both government and private sectors and even with the non-profit sector, will always welcome them and provide them with all possible support and guidance.