CAD Council in Field Visit to Female Campus

As part of their support for the educational process and continuous follow-up of the female section, His Excellency Dean of the College of Architecture and Digital Design, Prof. Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Ghunaimi, has had a tour of the female campus in order to see over the college’s efforts in highlighting students’ creativity in the three departments viz. Department of Architecture, Department of Interior Design, and Department of Digital Design, and check the extent to which the learning outcomes have been translated into practice at the college’s Permanent Exhibition as part of the preparations for opening it. His Excellency stressed that the exhibition should be a true reflection of the great efforts made by students and faculty for the accomplishment of specialized, creative and professional architectural works similar to those made at the exhibition of the American Academic Accreditation NAAB, which was obtained by the Department of Architecture In 2018 for a period of six years. Since the college is on its way to obtain national program accreditation, this exhibition comes as part of the endeavor made by the college to reflect the efficiency of the academic process and the extent to which it keeps pace with the needs of the labor market and following the highest academic standards. The exhibition also highlights the extent of the development of educational resources made available at the college and their efficient use by students in producing innovative architectural and specialized works, including building materials laboratories, maquettes , and 3D printing.
His Excellency, advisor Prof. Dr. El-Sayed Amer, required that the exhibition’s contents be presented as part of the identity of the university as a whole, reflecting its academic and professional sophistication. He also recommended that appropriate choices are made in terms of the final output so that they mirror the educational and media context of the college and the university. The visiting team also included Head of the Department of Architecture, Dr. Mustafa Ramadan, and Head of the Interior Design Department, Dr. Hossam Al-Samty.
At the conclusion of the visit, His Excellency Dean of the College, thanked the exhibition committee for their contributions and stressed the importance of continuing the team spirit in order to make this fine piece of work a success, which will be a mirror that reflects the creativity of engineering students at Dar Al Uloom and their continuing academic marsh towards leadership and excellence.