Because the student is the greatest priority in Dar Al Uloom University, it is of course important to clarify his/her rights and duties. These bylaws represent mutual understanding between the university and its students. They create awareness of the students’ academic rights and how to enjoy such rights as well as of their binding duties towards the university.
The student has the right to
- Access the full educational content of our courses in an easy and straightforward manner
- Access all services provided by DAU in accordance with University Regulations
- Gain access to faculty members for the purpose of holding discussions, within office hours, concerning their academic business
- Have full access to degree plans, schedules and course registrations provided by the system
- Have faculty attend lectures at scheduled times, manage theoretical and practical lectures effectively, and not cancel any lectures unless announced in advance
- Be tested appropriately on subjects covered, and view grades and exam answers in accordance with regulations
- Participate in social activities within DAU
- Full confidentiality in the maintenance of personal information
The student is responsible for
- Following all University regulations and decisions, and adhering to Islamic values
- Attending lectures consistently and completing assignments
- Presenting University ID within the campus when requested, following rules of personal and visual hygiene, and adhering to the appropriate dress code
- Adhering to academic honesty and refraining from plagiarizing at all times
- Respecting university property, including books, and returning borrowed books by the due date
- Refraining from smoking within the university
- Refraining from assembling in classrooms, corridors or restaurants during prayer times, and in unauthorised areas at any time
- Paying fees for services where applicable
- Treating DAU staff and faculty members with respect
- Attending courses where he/she is registered
- Refraining from carrying food or drinks into classrooms, laboratories or libraries
- Regularly checking his/her email and ensuring it works properly
- Regularly checking notice boards in the campus and on the systems
- Checking his/her class timetable and ensuring it is free from conflicts and fits in with his/her study plan
Regarding exams, the student must
- Check exam timetables and be present at the exam venue 30 minutes ahead of time
- Understand that he/she will get a grade of zero if an exam is missed without an acceptable excuse
- Come prepared for his/her exams with proper stationery and writing implements (pens etc)
He/she is forbidden to
- Enter the exam room without showing University ID
- Enter the exam room prior to invigilators doing so
- Leave the exam room within a half hour of starting the test, or before attendance has been taken
- Use cell phones while in the exam room
- Enter the final exam in a course in which he/she has been served a DN
The Academic Affairs Committee
This committee serves the students in many ways, including:
- Coordinating the academic advising and supporting the academic advisors.
- Managing examination including timetabling of exams, proctoring, and the overall supervision of major exams..
- Managing student complains and disciplinary procedures.
- Managing scholarship applications and coop/summer training programs.
The Academic Affairs Committee includes in its membership the Dean of Admission and Registration and the one of the vice deans from each college.
Disciplinary Penalties
- Verbal warning.
- Written warning.
- Denial of participation in student activities and some university services.
- Service to the university social work may be imposed as an alternative penalty.
- Enforcing a fail grade in at most 3 courses.
- Suspension for at most 2 semesters.
- Dismissal.