Dar Al Uloom University organises a seminar entitled “Return of Hope: Accomplishments and Aspirations”

Dar Al Uloom University organised a seminar about the process of returning hope which the coalition forces are carrying out in order to support the legitimacy in Yemen. The seminar was entitled “Return of Hope: Accomplishments and Aspirations” and held today at the University campus in Riyadh. It was attended by His Excellence the Yemeni Minister of Information, Mr Muamar Mutahar Al-Aryani, His Excellence the Embassador for The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques to the Republic of Yemen, Muhammad bin Said Aal Jabir, His Excellence the Ambassador for the Republic of Yemen to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Dr Shayi Muhsin Al-Zindani, and His Excellence the Director of the Office of the Yemeni Prime Minister, Dr Umar Husain Mujali.
The seminar began with words by His Excellence the Rector of Dar Al Uloom University, Dr Khalid bin Abdul-Rahman Al-Humoudi with which he emphasised that the Kingdom and countries of the coalition are united in supporting the legitimacy in Yemen, whether at times of war and peace. This they do through continuing the process of legitimacy in Yemen, protecting the civilians, combating terrorism, and denying any attempts of Iranian hegemony or interference in Yemeni affairs. He beseeched Allah to protect our countries under the leadership of The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and the Crown Prince.
His Excellence the Yemeni Minister of Information described the rôle of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in preserving Yemen and its capabilities. He resembled the Kingdom as the elder sister, emphasising that declaring the Determined Storm by the Arab Coalition in March 2015 was a success for Saudi strategy. His Excellence explained that what happens in Yemen is a war to liberate Yemen from Iranian invasion through Houthi militias which receive financial, media and political support which is well-known and direct. This is all in addition to military support. Mr Al-Aryani expressed his valuing the support the Republic of Yemen receives and the rôle of the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre. He drew attention to the efforts of the Centre which eased the suffering of the Yemeni people despite the draining and theft by the Yemeni Houthis of public wealth.
His Excellence the Embassador for The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques to the Republic of Yemen said that the war which the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and countries of the Arab Coalition wade into in order to support the legitimacy in Yemen is no option, but it is a necessity. This is to stop the evil of Iranian interference in Yemen and its threats towards the security of the Kingdom and the neighbouring countries. He valued the wide support by the Kingdom and its humanitarian rôle towards the Yemeni citizen. This is in addition to the support by the Kingdom of the Yemeni resident on Saudi soil.
His Excellence the Ambassador for the Republic of Yemen to the Kingdom emphasised that Houthi militias supported by Iran is acting through agendas which do not agree with the concept of a state, building a state, nor the political system for society in general. This is because it is established upon a sectarian foundation which differs with the right of Yemenis to live together based on the principle of common benefit and peaceful living.
His Excellence the Director of the Office of the Yemeni Prime Minister gave an overview of part of the criminal history of the Houthi militias since 2004 CE when they forced citizens to emigrate their homes and transformed them into displaced people in humanitarian aid tents. They destroyed the infrastructure, blew up innocents’ homes, made what was sacred to them permissible to take, and disrupted the efforts for peace and ceasefire despite the number of international intermediations. His Excellence expressed his gratitude and respect to The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman ibn Abdul Aziz Al Saud and His Royal Highness Prince Mohammad bin Salman ibn Abdul Aziz Al Saud, The Crown Prince, Deputy Prime Minister and Minster of Defense, may Allah preserve them both for their strived efforts as they hurried to save Yemen from terrorism.
His Excellence the Chairman of the Board of Trustees Mr Abdul Aziz ibn Ali Al-Twaijri expressed his perception of the penetrating vision of the wise and determined leadership with which it took up to remove foreign threats which may negatively affect the future vision of the nation. At the same time, it was to secure the future of the neighbouring Yemeni people and brethren against threats pushed from outside the borders of the nation. It granted hope of being free of this nightmare which choked them. A hand had, in effect, a sword in to cut off the sources of the enemy, and a hand was planting the trees of hope.
His Excellence the Rector of the University stated that the participation of Dar Al Uloom University emanates from its rôle as a research educational institution and fulfilling its mission and duty towards the nation. The University organised this seminar in order to show the rôle which The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and His Royal Highness The Trustworthy Crown Prince, may Allah preserve them both, carry out exemplified in the rôle the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the countries of the Coalition fulfil for the sake of returning security and stability to Yemen the sibling. This is in addition to the achieved accomplishments till now and the aspirations of the legitimate Yemeni government. The Rector emphasised that Dar Al Uloom University will organise other similar seminars which will discuss the subject of ways of returning hope.