
Dar Al-Uloom University submitted to the National Commission for Academic Accreditation and Assessment (NCAAA) which changed most recently into Education Evaluation Commission – Higher Education Sector (EECSEAA), an extensive assessment of its improvement in building viable and cherished Undergraduate and Graduate programs in a number of scientific specialties. This report provides a comprehensive review of the University of Dar Al-Uloom, including a review of its mission and governance structure, planning and capacity, student learning assessment and teaching, facilities and equipment, and methods of engagement and service. It further provides comprehensive overview on how DAU reach its vision through a set of well-developed policies and procedures, organizational structures, academic programs and support services, and external relationships.
It also documents DAU’s efficiency based on wide institutional assessment data, and community feedback. The University’s self-study was directed by Steering Committee whose members were drawn from academic divisions as well as administrative units. The Steering Committee reviewed the self-study design and plans for proving compliance with the EECSEAA standards and requirements. This self-study aimed to guide the peer-review team in their 2015-16 site visits. It is also a public articulation of DAU’s strengths and limitations, as well as a document that will guide the University’s future planning activities and support of continuous improvement. The self-study is open, inclusive, and evidence–based process. The target of the self-study process was to decide how the eleven standards and criteria match DAU’s mission, and to collect tangible evidence both quantitative and qualitative reports, to prove that the University satisfies the EECSEAA accreditation requirements.