أ. ستيفن مارك هيث
Position : English Language Instructor
Email : stephn@dau.edu.sa
Phone : 011-4949267
Fax :
Summary of his biography :
My philosophical journey in teaching has required me to construct various perceptions of pedagogical endeavour These peripheral constructs focus around the ideas of what makes a teacher good A philosophy on anything requires a person to think about thinking and these kaleidoscopic thoughts must start with the teachers own personality and upbringing As teachers we bring our own thoughts culture perceptions and history to the classroom these ideas directly and indirectly impinge on our lessons we deliver which in turn affect our relationships with students and teachers alike
Motivation in the classroom is one thing however showing students how to learn in a meaningful way is a vital part of the learning process I believe the best way to create an environment of learning is to bring passion and commitment to classroom which will inspire students to learn in a memorable and meaningful way
In the classroom students yearn for knowledge and it is the job of the teacher to convey that knowledge A teacher needs to keep up with recent changes in the field of teaching and attempt to understand the divide between theory and practice The changes needed to our knowledge do not necessarily come from reading academic papers or the latest pedagogical theory but from consulting with other likeminded teachers academics and applying learned studies to the classroom in the most effective way However on testing our theories we should critically evaluate our own inclass findings and share with others to enhance our understanding of the particular teaching environment we face In my experience and observations it has always been the teachers that demonstrate a willingness to change that have had the most effect on my own personal teaching philosophy
A teacher should remain flexible in the classroom and be willing to change the course of the lesson because a good teacher knows that each class is not the same The teacher will know how to find a balance between being strict on the one hand while being friendly and forgiving on the other Good teaching is about style and entertainment without lacking any of the substance of a good lesson It is about not taking yourself too serious and applying humor to your class and sharing your faults and showing the students that you are human too
No teaching philosophy will work without exceptionally great educational leadership that inspires the freedom of teachers to create divulge and reflect on the craft of teaching and the courses they teach Teachers need to feel that they have the confidence to try new things without being viewed as a failure from others As Nietzsche says That which does not kill us makes us stronger and in the case of teaching mistakes truly make us better teachers