Open Lectures at DAU Theatre Architecture Department at DAU is constantly active in promoting open lectures by national and international protagonist for architecture, engineering and design. These are hosted in the DAU theatre having a capacity of 1500 seats, and also joined by and professionals and students from other universities. Besides the lecture series “Riyadh Talks”, telling about Riyadh as a building up process, we had the honor to host in the last semester as international lecturers: Joseph Giovannini, columnist for architecture for the New York Times and biographer of Zaha Hadid; Deyan Sudjic, the Director of the Design Museum in London. Further Lectures are regularly scheduled within different format and mainstreaming in the shared lecturing room. These are considered as regular appointment for faculties and senior students to get in touch with the professional world and the last trends in research. Heritage, Environment, Sustainability, Prefabrication, Performative Assessment are some of the topics covered by the be-weekly lectures and discussed with the guest speakers. As a parallel activity to the common ones, the CADD organizes public lectures on novel and original architectural and urban planning issues destined to the faculty staff and students, both female and male section. These lectures are conducted by professionals from various institutions related to architecture, including other universities.