With the participation of faculty, administrative staff, and male & female students, the College of Architecture & Digital Design at DAU has organized an extensive workshop on SOWT analysis and the college’s marketing capabilities in all three departments, probing the duties of each department in reflecting the college’s academic distinctiveness on social life and various engineering circles. College leaders, represented by Prof. Dr. Abdul Aziz Al-Ghunaimi, Dean of the College, Prof. Dr. El-Sayed Amer, the College’s advisor, heads of departments, and all faculty members, were keen to attend and participate in the workshop with the aim of enhancing the college’s honorable and valuable image and discussing concepts with the college’s employees and students, thus contributing to enriching discussion and taking it to high levels of theoretical and practical benefits. The workshop was ran by Dr. Yasser Fouda, faculty member and Head of the Quality Committee at the Department of Architecture, who discussed aspects of the strategic SWOT quadripartite analysis, reviewing with the audience the college’s strengths represented by its distinctive resources, proficiency levels, and others’ perspectives on the college, in addition to highlighting weaknesses. Throughout the discussion, Dr Fouda sought to provide answers to the three questions: what can we improve? What resources do we lack and in which department of the college? and how do others view our weaknesses? There was then a discussion of available opportunities and how to make use of them, potential threats, and how to avoid and manage them. The CADD has spared no effort in providing all beneficial and useful resources to both staff and students