د. مروه عزت مصطفى محمد

Position : Faculty Member
Email : marwa.ezzat@dau.edu.sa
Phone : 011-4949210
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Summary of his biography :

curculum vitae Personal Information Name Marwa Ezzat Moustafa mohamed gender Female Nationality Egyptian Date Of Birth 22011979 passport no a15771677 Address Eltahlea street Alolaya Riyadh Saudi Arbia Mobile NO Saudi Arbia 0592900999 yahoocom marwaezzat213 Email scientific qualification Associate professor in applied arts in Decorative Designs 2019 PhD in art education from Helwan University Decorative Designs Structural order for Morphogenetic Design as a Source of Teaching Decorative Design2011 Master Degree in Art Education from Helwan University Allocate Decorative Designs Under Subject the Contemporary Design Formations affected by Fayoum Faces and used it the Field of Ornamentation Supplementary Diploma in Art Education Decoration Division from Helwan University 2000with VGood Degree Bachelor Of Art Education From Cairo university in 1999 with VGood Degree and Hones Got courses in computer programs 1AUTO CAD 2 3D Max 3Skech Up 4 Adobe Illustrator 5 Adobe Premiere 6 Adobe Photoshop Scientific Experience Associate Professor at the Faculty of Applied Arts Decoration specialty Helwan University 2019 Lecturer Doctor Department of Decoration Higher Institute of Applied Arts 2011 Member of the Control Committee of the Higher Institute of Applied Arts Instructor at the Department of Computer Graphic Design Programs Subject I did Teach at Decoration Division Designing a color coordination for the environment Color theories Design principles Designing pendants and wall paintings Designing the art of architectural facades Natural elements Designing signs and guiding systems Silent nature Living nature Graphic programs in the Department of Interior Design and Furniture Film Department Advertising Department Department The clothes the printing department the printing and publishing section the decoration section environmental studies and sciences the material for decorative patterns Subject I did teach at Computer Section 1AUTO CAD for Interior Design Section 100 2Skech up for Decorative Designs Section 100 3 Adobe Illustrator for Advertise Section 100 4 Adobe Premiere for Cinema Section 90 5 Adobe Photoshop for Fashion Section100 Courses obtained in quality I got the following courses from the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education 1 Institutional SelfAssessment 1 332016 AD 2 Examination systems and evaluation methods 8320162016 4 Characterization of programs and courses and evaluation of curricula 2627 4 2015AD 5 Strategies for Teaching and Effective Learning 45 May 2015 6 Entrepreneurship 10116 2019AD 7 Critical Thinking 1213 6 2019AD 8 Crisis Management 1516 6 2019ADSearches Work Experience She holds an ICDL certificate from UNESCO She holds a TOEFL certificate from the Imidist Computer courses for 3DMAX programs AUTO CAD PHOTO SHOP Illustrator ADOBE SKECH UP ADOBE premiere Doctor Tutor at Decoration Division at Applicable Arts with a Ministrys Decision year 2013 A member of control judgments at applicable arts university A teacher of graphic Decoration Computer Programs Got ICDL from UNISCO Joined in the third Scientific meeting for Arts Section Helwan University in Period of 2013 The Research Subject The Formation in Space with 3D according to Contemporary Theories Joined in Searching Scientific meeting for Beauty Arts Alminya University Under Subject of strings in Atom between design and Fancy Joined with Search about Meeting for Applicable Arts Dumyat search subjects The Effect of Building System in to Electromagnetic of the moving Light Art Research Promotion for Associate Professor at the Faculty of Applied Arts Helwan University 1 The Third International Conference of the Faculty of Applied Arts Technology Implications for the Design Future IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGY ON FUTURE Research Title Formation of a Vacuum in the Third Dimension In light of contemporary theories Conformation Third Dimension In The Light Of Contemporary Theories 2 The formation of space in the third dimension in the light of contemporary theories Conformation Third Dimension In The Light Of Contemporary Theories 3 The effect of the structural system of electromagnetic theory on kinetic art The Fourth International Conference College of Applied Arts Damietta The impact of the structural system of the theory of electromagnetic in optical kinetic art 4 Design between Rebellion and Job Commitment The eleventh scientific conference of the Faculty of Fine Arts a conference entitled Creativity between compulsion and rebellion Design between the insurgency and career commitment Research Title Tendons in the atom between imagination and design Strings in atom between imagination and design 5 College of Applied Arts Damietta University Fifth International Conference of the Faculty of Applied Arts Damietta 21 23 March 2017 Applied Arts and Future Prospects Design and Visual Communication Design and visual communications Research Title Extracting structural formulas for the module in nature as a source for enriching postmodern arts Derive formulas for Mdiol structural in nature as a source for enriching the arts postmodernism 6 College of Applied Arts Damietta University The Fifth International Conference of the Faculty of Applied Arts Damietta 21 23 March 2017 Applied Arts and Future Prospects Design and Visual Communication Design and visual communications Research Title Transforming the Structure of Shape in the Light of Quantum Theory as a Source for Decorative Design Form the structure of a shift in the light of quantum theory as a source of decorative design 7 Research Title Partial Nanotechnology between Theory and Practice in Decorative Design Nanotechnology Partial Theory and Application in decorative Design 8 Research Title Extracting modern design formulations according to the laws of Gestalt theory to enrich the field of decorative design Drawing up new design formulas according to the rules of Gestalt theoryTo enrich the field of decorative design 9 Research Title The Impact of Calligraphic and Typographic Art on the Development of the Visual Culture of Decorative Design The Effect of Typhographic Caligraphy in the Development of Visual Culture for Decorative Design 10 South Valley University Fifth International Conference Plastic Arts and Community Service Luxor College of Fine Arts from 79 April 2019 Research entitled The effect of the sound resonance phenomenon on extracting new design formulations and using them in the decorative design 11 Research entitled Symbolic significance of abstract art and its reflection on postmodern arts to enrich the field of decorative design
Title Date Major Organization
BSc1999Art EducationFayoum University
MSc2006Art EducationHelwan Uniersity
PhD2011Art EducationHelwan Uniersity
Title Organization Date From Date To
Assistant ProfessorThe High Institute Of Applied Arts20132017
Title Publish Date Journal
التشكل في الفراغ في البعد الثالث في ضوء النظريات المعاصرة2016المؤتمر الدولي الرابع لكلية الفنون التطبيقية دمياط محور البحث التصميم والاتصالات المرئية
التشكل في الفراغ بالبعد الثالث في ضوء النظريات المعاصرة2017المؤتمر الدولي الخامس لكلية الفنون التطبيقية في جامعة دمياط للفنون التطبيقية والتوقعات المستقبلية
التصميم بين التمرد والالتزام الوظيفي المؤتمر العلمي الحادي عشر لكلية الفنون الجميلة مؤتمر بعنون الابداع بين الالتزام والتمرد09-07-2018مجلة العمارة والفنون والعلوم الانسانية الجمعية العربية للحضارة والفنون الاسلامية
الاوتار في الذرة بين الخيال والتصميم07-09-2018مجلة العمارة والفنون والعلوم الانسانية الجمعية العربية للحضارة والفنون الاسلامية
استخلاص صياغات تصميمة مستحدثة وفق قوانين نظرية الجشطالت لاثراء مجال التصميم الزخرفي07-09-2018مجلة العمارة والفنون والعلوم الانسانية الجمعية العربية للحضارة والفنون الاسلامية
اثر ظاهرة الرنين الصوتي في استخلاص صياغات تصميمة مستحدثة والافادة منها في التصميم الزخرف07-09-2018مجلة العمارة الفنون والعلوم الانسانية الجمعية العربية للحضارة والفنون الاسلامية
تحول بنية الشكل في ضوء نظرية الكم كمصدر للتصميم الزخرفي05-04-2019المؤتمر الدولي الثامن للاتحاد العالمي لتعليم الفنون بالاقصر 2019 في الفترة بين 2730 مارس 2019
هندسة النانو الجزئية بين النظرية والتطبيق في التصميم الزخرفي05-04-2019المؤتمر الدولي الثامن للاتحاد العالمي لتعليم الفنون بالاقصر 2019 في الفترة بين 2730 مارس 2019
اثر الفن الكاليجرافي والتيبوجرافي في تنمية الثقافة البصرية للتصميم الزخرفي07-09-2019جامعة جنوب الوادي المؤتمر الدولي الخامس الفنون التشكيلية وخدمة المجتمع كلية الفنون الجميلة بالاقصر في الفترة من 79 ابريل 2019
استخلاص الصيغ البنائية للمديول في الطبيعة كمصدر لاثراء فنون مابعد الحداثة12-11-2019جامعة جنوب الوادي المؤتمر الدولي الخامس الفنون التشكيلية وخدمة المجتمع كلية الفنون الجميلة بالاقصر في الفترة 2019911
plastic formulas of Chaos theory as a source for enriching onepiece printed design according to kingdoms 2030 vision2022journal of Architecture Arts and Humanistic Sciences Arab Society for Islamic Cicilization and Arts
the structureal system of the radial body in nature and to benefit from it in the decorative design2022Heritage and Design Journal APTEESArab Society for islamic Civilization and Arts
Modulation formulations of natural art and their use in the field of decorative design2022Heritage and Design Journal APTEESArab Society for islamic Civilization and arts
nature Organizational structure system in support of Saudi Arabia Green Initiative utilzed to keep up with 2030s vision2022International Design Journal
The effect of morphological variables of topological engineering in the design to promote tourism in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia2022International Design Journal
Fractals between theory and practice and its use in enriching the field of design in line with the kingdom 2030 vision2022journal international design
Title From To Note
Chair of the Scientific Research Committee Chair of the Benchmarking Committee Chair of the SSR CommitteeChair of the Scientific Research Committee Chair of the Benchmarking Committee Chair of the SSR Committee
Title Donor Date
Associate professor in applied arts in Decorative Designs 2019 PhD in art education from Helwan University Decorative Designs Structural order for Morphogenetic Design as a Source of Teaching Decorative Design2011 Master Degree in Art Education from Helwan University Allocate Decorative Designs Under Subject the Contemporary Design Formations affected by Fayoum Faces and used it the Field of Ornamentation Supplementary Diploma in Art Education Decoration Division from Helwan University 2000with VGood Degree Bachelor Of Art Education From Cairo university in 1999 with V Good Degree and HonesCertificate from the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation04-04-2017