Lectures and workshops on occlusion and temporomandibular joint issues at the College of Dentistry

Continuing Medical Education Committee organized a number of lectures and workshops on occlusion and temporomandibular joint issues at the College of Dentistry. They had Prof. Dr. Zyiad Alaani as a guest. Faculty, Saudi Board doctors, interns and students attended the event.
On the first day, the event discussed different topics including:
· Examination of masticatory system before dental treatment
· Static occlusion and centric relation
· dynamic occlusion and the importance of occlusal interference
· Finding and recording centric relation
· Using facial arc and semi-adjustable occludator
On the second day, the workshops discussed the following topics:
· Stridor dentium management in dental clinic
· Diagnosis and management of the most popular temporomandibular joint issues in dental clinics
· Using splints in management of stridor dentium and pain of muscular origin
· How to use stabilization splint
· Adjusting stabilization splint
At the end of the workshop, outcomes were applied clinically by volunteers in the dental clinic. Also, audience including intern students, college students, Saudi Board students and faculty participated in these applications to reap their benefits.