Communication With Alumni

Communication With Alumni


The Alumni Committee follows up the affairs of the alumni to identify their business entities and the nature of their jobs, and to identify the extent to which their majors are compatible with the needs of the labor market. It also receives their suggestions about the program they studied by sending questionnaires in coordination with the concerned departments and the quality center within the college. Among the tasks of the committee is also to provide information services for them in terms of training and employment opportunities available in the private and public sectors, provide job guidance, and help them develop their expertise by providing workshops in all clinical specialties in the field of dentistry and developing personal skills. The alumni committee also provides letters of recommendation by members Teaching our graduates and providing all means of support to facilitate their admission to postgraduate programs inside and outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Tasks of the Committee:

  1. Create and follow up a database of graduates.
  2. Create a database of institutions and partnerships related to alumni.
  3. Opinion poll and measure the level of satisfaction of graduates and work institutions.
  4. Close communication with alumni and relevant institutions.
  5. Contribute to the preparation of graduates for the labor market, by raising their efficiency and refining their skills through a set of distinguished training programs.
  6. Strengthening the relationship with graduates to benefit from their expertise in developing academic, research and training plans.
  7. Preparing the annual report of the committee.

To contact the Alumni Committee:

Phone: 0114949378
