College of Dentistry Holds the Interns Scientific Research Day

Under the auspices of His Excellency Professor Khaled bin Abdel Rahman Al Hamoudi, DAU established the Interns Scientific Research Day, with the participation of the Scientific Organization for Dental Research, and the participation of the Chair for Biomedical and Dental Research of King Saud University. This is a tribute to leading doctors in scientific research.
The ceremony was attended by the distinguished member of the Board of Trustees, Mr. Nawaf bin Abdul Aziz Al-Tuwaijri, and His Excellency the University’s Undersecretary for Educational and Academic Affairs, Dr. Ibtisam Al Othman, and some University leaders, faculty members and some faculty members from outside the university, participating in honoring the winning doctors in the research of scientific posters and presentation research. In total, eighteen papers were evaluated in accordance with the exact scientific standards of a scientific committee comprising internal members and external members.
The environment of the College of Dentistry at Dar al-Uloom University is highly stimulated with all its administrative and teaching components and modern global potential.