Dar AlUloom University (DAU) Inaugurates First Event of Joint Council of Students Activities (JCSA) for the Faculties of Dentistry

A JCSA workshop on Scientific Research and Preparation for Postgraduate Studies was held and hosted by DAU on Saturday, July 28. Over 500 students and faculty members from KSA’s faculties of dentistry all across the board attended the event.
The workshop started with a lecture presented by Dr. Dima Al Shammari, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Riyadh ELM entitled “Step by Step on How to Start a Scientific Research”, which, presented. It was followed with another address by Dr. Omar Al Bakri, Faculty Member of same University, under the title of “Basic Concepts in Scientific Research“.
Dr. Ahmed Al-Hussain, Consultant of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, presented a lecture on the Canadian Board of Dentistry (CBD). Dr. Ahmed talked about the steps to getting CBD membership. He gave tips on how to make it through the difficulties in the various tests and successfully pass and obtain the CBD.
Dr. Saba Ghazal, a faculty member at the University of Texas Health Sciences, elaborated on how students can plan effectively and find ways to do well in postgraduate studies. She gave advice on passing the excellence and residency programs, gave illustrations on tactics for selecting postgraduate programs, and means to succeed with study.
The workshop was concluded with a lecture by Dr. Muhannad Al-Misind, a Royal Air Force (RAF) officer’s dentist. Dr. Muhannad talked about the dental practices in the military sectors. At the conclusion of the workshop, the lecturers received commemorative shields from the JCSA.
Noting that JCSA holds its activities on its own, separately from the member faculties, with an aim to building bridges of communication locally, regionally and globally. The council develops and varies its joint programs to promote the extra-curricular participations of dentistry majoring students and to fine tune their skills.