Courses Description

University Core Requirements

ARAB1100 – Arabic Language Writing2 Credit Hours

يركز المقرر على تنمية المهارات الكتابية لدى طالب السنة الاولى المشتركة في جامعة دار العلوم، وتطبيق تلك المهارات في حياتهم الجامعية والعملية، بما في ذلك توظيف المهارات الخاصة بعلامات الترقيم، والسلامة النحوية، والسلامة الإملائية. كذلك يتناول المقرر تنظيم الالفاظ وفق نسق لغوي صحيح، صياغة التعبير الكتابي بأسلوب سليم، صياغة الرسائل الإدارية والاجتماعية والالكترونية، التمكن من مراجعة المعاجم اللغوية واستخراج معاني الكلمات، إضافة إلى مهارات كتابة المقالات بصورة سليمة.

المتطلب السابق


ARAB1103 – Arabic Language Skills2 Credit Hours

يتكون هذا المقرر من أربع وحدات: الوحدة الأولى (علامات الإعراب الأصلية والفرعية)، الوحدة الثانية (الجملة الفعلية، واسم الفاعل، واسم المفعول، والمصدر)، الوحدة الثالثة (المبتدأ والخبر، إن وأخواتها، كان وأخواتها، كاد وأخواتها، ظن وأخواتها)، والوحدة الرابعة (المفعول به، والمفعول المطلق، والمفعول لأجله، والحال، والتمييز).

المتطلب السابق


SKL1450 – University Skills3 Credit Hours

This course develops university skills (academics skills, communication skills, and self-skills) for students of first common year at Dar Al-Uloom University, and their applicability in university life.



SKL1451 – Leadership and Teamwork2 Credit Hours

This course discusses the role and importance of leadership and teamwork in organizations, and the combination of features, skills and abilities required for successful leadership of Teamwork, and how to build high-performing teams and the attributes and skills required for an effective team membership.



CT1400 – Computer Skills3 Credit Hours

This course, using both lecture and laboratory practice, introduces students to basic computer concepts in hardware, software, networking, computer security, database, websites, and other emerging technologies such as blogs, wiki, RSS, podcasting, and Google applications. Widely used applications including word processing, spreadsheets, databases, presentation, and web development software are studied. Students will also develop critical thinking skills, learn terminology and problem solving techniques which are critical to solve Information Technology (IT) problems.Throughout the course, emphasis will be placed on performing tasks that simulate professional work situations.



MATH1100 – Elementary Mathematics3 Credit Hours

Students in this course will study functions including understanding the definition of a function, domain, range, one to one functions, and the inverse of a function. The subject of functions extends to understanding of the Cartesian coordinate system and the process of drawing functions at a two-dimensional level.Different types of functions will be introduced including linear functions, quadratic functions, polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic Functions.Student will also study finding solutions for linear equations and inequalities, finding a straight-line equation, finding the length a straight line, the middle point in a line segment. Students are also exposed to the understanding of angles and their measurements, trigonometric functions, and the graph of trigonometric functions.The course covers matrices and operation on matrices and system of linear equations solution.The last part of the course will cover different topics which include sequences, permutations, and combinations.



ISLM1101 – Islam and Society Building3 Credit Hours

يتناول هذا المقرر تعريف المجتمع المسلم واسسه، أسباب تقوية الروابط الاجتماعية، أهم المشكلات الاجتماعية، اهمية الاسرة ومكانتها في الإسلام والرد على الشبهات، عوامل حماية الاسرة، الخطبة وأحكامها العامة، النكاح اركانه وشروطه ومقاصده، الاثار المترتبة على عقد النكاح، أحكام الطلاق في الإسلام والتمييز بينها وبين الطلاق في الشريعتين اليهودية والنصرانية.



EPH1500 – Health & Physical Education3 Credit Hours

يغطي هذا المقرر مهارات ومعارف تتعلق بالعادات الغذائية والسلامة الجسدية ودور وأهمية ممارسة الرياضة والصحة الوقائية في المحافظة على الصحة، كما يشتمل على تعريف الطالب بالإسعافات الأولية وأفضل سبل التعامل مع الضغوط النفسية، كما يشمل المقرر أيضا ممارسة أنشطة رياضية وتمارين بدنية تستهدف المحافظة على الصحة باستخدام الأجهزة الحديثة والمتطورة.



ENGL1111 – A2 Waystage Listening & Speaking I3 Credit Hours

This course integrates listening and speaking skills and builds on the foundation provided by the level C courses. The course provides instruction and practice on listening strategies like listening for general information and detail, guessing word meaning from context. The speaking section of the course attempts to develop presentation skills such as format, organization, body language and eye-contact. Students practice conversations and role-plays in order to build on their skills.



ENGL1112 – A2 Waystage Grammar3 Credit Hours

This course integrates vocabulary and grammar skills and builds on the foundation provided by the level C courses. The course provides instruction and practice on vocabulary learning strategies like context clues, imagery and word-parts. The grammar section of the course attempts to develop a good grounding in a range of topics including some of the present and past tenses, adjectives & adverbs, possessives, modal verbs, quantifiers etc. Grammar learning strategies such as prediction, mind-maps and contextualization are utilized in order to reinforce and support learning. Students also practice communicative activities such as conversations, role-plays and writing tasks in order to further practice and master the vocabulary and grammar items.



ENGL1113 – A2 Waystage Reading & Writing I3 Credit Hours

This course integrates reading and writing skills and builds on the foundation provided by the level C courses. The course provides instruction and practice on reading strategies like scanning, skimming, context clues, and summarizing. It also focuses on recognition of main ideas, and supporting details. The writing section of the course attempts to develop writing accurate, concise, and well-connected paragraphs, and summaries. Concepts of writing processes like brainstorming, planning, drafting and revising are introduced and practiced. Students practice writing topic sentences that introduce a paragraph, supporting sentences, and concluding sentences. Writing instruction also focuses on paragraph coherence and cohesion.


ENGL001 & ENGL004

ENGL1121 – B1 Threshold Listening and Speaking II3 Credit Hours

Following on from ENGL-1111, students will use their vocabulary resources, syntactic knowledge and idiomatic expressions developed to support students in functioning confidently in more challenging academic content. In this second level, there will be a greater focus on effective listening and speaking strategies in using English in extended academic lectures, talks, reports, and radio programs. The importance of non-verbal, verbal communication and intercultural communication will be emphasized in one-to-one, small group and large group communication settings. Practice activities on pronunciation, intonation patterns, and stress placement at the phrase/sentence level and above will be a feature of this course. Suitable appropriate authentic resources and materials – in both e-learning and paper format – will be used to support trainees in taking responsibility for their own learning.



ENGL1122 – B1 Threshold Integrated English Language3 Credit Hours

This course will cover each of the four skills tested in the IELTS test: Reading and Writing Task one. Using a textbook, classroom activities, and practice tests, students will be exposed to a variety of strategies for improving their IELTS score and will become familiar with the format and design of the exam. A variety of test-taking skills will be taught and practiced.



ENGL1123 – B1 Threshold Reading and Writing II3 Credit Hours

This course focuses on the development of critical reading skills and academic writing. Students will develop reading and writing skills with clearly defined learning outcomes within a critical thinking framework. Students will develop their reading sub-skills using a variety of text types, previewing, predicting, skimming, scanning, reading for specific information and inferring meaning from context. Writing is developed by looking at essay structure and content, building students skills resources. Suitable appropriate resources and materials–in both e-learning and paper format – will be used to support students in taking responsibility for their own learning.




College (COB) Core Requirements

MATH1121 – Business Mathematics3 Credit Hours

The purpose of this course is to increase student mathematical knowledge and skills and provide methods for solving business problem. The course covers linear and quadratic functions and graphs, as well as presents solution of equations and inequalities. The course also introduces students to the average rate of change and instantaneous rate of change as the definition of derivatives, differentiation rules, differentiation techniques, and differentiation of exponential and logarithmic functions.In addition, the course presents application of first and second derivatives in finding local maximum and local minimum and inflection points. The last part introduces the idea of integration as anti-derivatives and extends the topics to the fundamental theorem of calculus and applications.



MGT1211 – Principles of Management3 Credit Hours

This course introduces the concepts, theories, and principles of management and techniques used in carrying various management’s functions; including planning, organizing, communicating, leading and controlling, as well as decision-making and managing change in organizations.



ACCT1211 – Principles of Accounting3 Credit Hours

This introductory course presents fundamental concepts, principles and techniques of financial accounting, including the double entry system. It deals with the study of accounting cycle for service and merchandise companies. Special focus given to analyzing transactions, summarizing them using the general ledger and reporting the results through the preparation of financial statements mainly used by the internal and external decision makers. The last part covers the basics of inventory valuation, cost of sales, accounting treatment for tangible & intangible assets and the preparation of adjustment entries.


ENGL1123 & MATH1121

ECON1211 – Principles of Microeconomics3 Credit Hours

This course designated to introduce students to the fundamentals of microeconomics. Topics include supply & demand analysis, elasticity of demand & supply, theories of consumer & producer behavior, and market structure: perfect competition, monopolistic competition, monopoly and oligopoly. Additional topics include factors of productions markets and economic welfare.


ENGL1121 & MATH1121

STAT1211 – Business Statistics I3 Credit Hours

Business Statistics I introduces students to data collection and statistical techniques to analyze data.Topics start with introduction descriptive statistics which covers data collection, sampling techniques, organization and tabulation of data, and graphical representation of data.The course also covers numerical measures such as measures of central tendencies and measures of dispersion.The course also presents basic probability, some important probability distributions, time series, and index numbers.



MKT1211 – Principles of Marketing3 Credit Hours

This introductory course seeking to develop a general understanding and appreciation of the forces, institutions, and methods involved in marketing of products and services. Topics include marketing introduction, marketing strategy, consumer behavior, business buying behavior, segmentation, target marketing, positioning, branding strategies, pricing, marketing channels, marketing communication and global marketing.



FIN1221 – Principles of Finance3 Credit Hours

This course focuses on the basic concepts of finance and introduces students to analytical tools used in decision making. Topics include Legal forms of business organizations, financial goals, financial statements and its analysis, time value of money, overview of financial markets and institutions, principles of risk and return and overview of corporate financing.


ACCT1211 & MATH1121

ECON1221 – Principles of Macroeconomics3 Credit Hours

This course focuses on the analysis of the economy as a whole. Topics include description of basic macroeconomic relationships, aggregate output and economic growth, aggregate supply and demand, fiscal and monetary policies, inflation and unemployment, budget deficit and it is financing, international trade, balance of payments, exchange rates, and trade deficit.



STAT1221 – Business Statistics II3 Credit Hours

Business Statistics II designed to focus on inferential statistics. The topics covered in the course include review of probability distribution, central limit theorem, sampling distribution, point estimation, and confidence intervals.The course also covers hypothesis testing and statistical inference using t-test about the mean and Chi-square tests for goodness of fit and independence.



MIS1221 – Management Information Systems3 Credit Hours

Managers and business analysts in organizations are expected to know how information systems (IS) can be used to make businesses more competitive, effective and efficient. This course provides an introduction to information systems and technologies for business and management. It is designed to familiarize students with the technical, organizational and managerial foundations of information systems to better understand their role in enhancing business processes and management decision making across the organization, and how to design, develop and manage information systems in organizations. The course focuses on topics such as the management of the digital firm, Internet and Internet technology, electronic business and commerce, information technology (IT) infrastructure, wireless technology, ethical and security issues related to information systems, and enterprise applications.



ACCT1221 – Principles of Cost and Management Accounting3 Credit Hours

The course introduces the basic concepts of cost and management accounting through a focus on the role played by cost and management accounting information in the business environment. Its main objective is to provide students with an understanding and ability to apply the simple techniques of cost and management accounting that will be used in planning and decision making for business situations. This course also covers cost concepts such as; cost classification, elements of direct and indirect costs, costs of materials, labor and overhead costs, cost theory & cost estimation. The later part covers basics of managerial accounting concepts such as analysis of financial statements, cost – volume – profit analysis and budgetary planning.




HRM Major Core Requirements

HRM1221 – Human Resource Management3 Credit Hours

This course is an introductory overview of human resource management as a business function for future human resource managers, providing them with the basic of managing human resources activities; these include acquiring, developing, evaluating, disciplining and maintaining a qualified workforce that positively contribute to organizations effectiveness.



HRM1311 – Human Resource Planning and Recruitment3 Credit Hours

This course addresses the human resources planning theory and concepts. Students will learn about the importance of aligning human resources management with organizational plans and objectives. Students will examine the various elements of human resources planning including strategic planning, job analysis, and forecasting supply and demand. The course will examine how corporate business strategy influence human resources management practice. This course also provides an understanding of the process of recruitment and selection in organizations.Steps of recruitment and selection and process are clearly explained in this course. Further, the course introduces students to the processes involved in human resource planning, including qualitative and quantitative techniques in forecasting personnel requirements and possible solutions to addressing shortages and surpluses. Students will also be introduced to basic theories and strategies utilized in staffing, recruiting, selection, and planning.



HRM1312 – Benefits and Compensation Management3 Credit Hours

An exploration of alternative compensation philosophies. Topics include strategies of employee compensation, incentives to productivity, employee motivation, and performance appraisal. Incentive strategies such as cash, employee ownership and non-monetary rewards are explained and evaluated in various situations. This course also covers techniques for identifying and classifying critical job components and observable standards and measures, setting compensation for job performance, and developing an executive compensation program. The relationship between compensation, motivation, performance appraisal, and performance within the organizations is discussed in this course.



HRM1313 – Human Resources Training and Development3 Credit Hours

This course provides students with an overview of the role of Training and Development in Human Resource Management. Topics include training needs analysis, program design, development, administration, delivery and program evaluation. Other topics include, career planning, training techniques, budgeting and trends in training.



HRM1321 – Occupational Health and Safety Management3 Credit Hours

This course introduces students to key concepts and practices related to the management of workplace occupational health and safety. It identify appropriate procedures to maintain health and safety at workplace, and to minimize or eliminate work related injuries and illness. Topics include causes and types of accidents; accidents’ investigation; and occupational safety and health performance measurement, organization, function, inspections, training and standards.


HRM1311 & MIS1221

HRM1322 – Human Resource Diversity Management3 Credit Hours

This course explore workforce’s diversity influences in organizations. Students will learn about challenges associated with managing diversity in workplace, and ways to leverage diversity to advance organizational objectives; and the impact of increasing diversity on employees’ selection, staffing, employee productivity and career expectations.



HRM1323 – Negotiation and Conflict Management3 Credit Hours

Negotiation and Conflict Management presents negotiation theory – strategies and styles – within an employment context. Students also learn how to negotiate in difficult situations, which include abrasiveness, racism, whistle-blowing, and emergencies. The course covers conflict management as a first party and as a third party: third-party skills include helping others deal directly with their conflicts, mediation, investigation, arbitration, and helping the system change as a result of a dispute.



HRM1360 – Co-operative Training3 Credit Hours

Cooperative Training provides the student with a platform for reflecting critically and constructively on the link between his college coursework and real business conducts. The student will be working as an intern in a business unit related to his field of study and will be assigned various tasks that have to be completed under supervision of both a field mentor (company side) and an academic mentor (college side). Upon completion of a one-semester coop training, the student will be required to submit and present a report detailing tasks performed and experiences gained to an academic committee headed by his academic mentor.


Student must complete a minimum of 90 Credit-Hour before proceeding to co-operative training.

HRM1411 – Performance Management3 Credit Hours

This course enable students to explore the importance of building an effective processes and systems for managing performance at the individual, team and organization level. It will provide students with an understanding of the key role performance management plays in achieving corporate strategy and optimizing productivity. In addition, the course emphasizes the importance of measuring the effectiveness of human resource activities in enhance individual and organizational performance.



HRM1421 – International Human Resource Management3 Credit Hours

This course introduces critical issues facing organizations simultaneously managing their human resources at home and abroad. It focuses on the connection between corporate strategies and the effective management of human resources, which, at times, may require differing policies across different countries. The course emphasizes challenges related to managing expatriates, such as staff recruitment for international assignments, expat preparation, retraining and development as well as international deployment.



HRM1422 – Strategic Human Resource Management3 Credit Hours

The central aim of the course is to equip students with knowledge and skills required to manage strategic alignment of HR strategy with organization overall business strategies, in order to maximizing organizational performance. The course focuses on issues and skills involved in the optimization of human performance necessary for the development, implementation and evaluation of human resource strategy effectiveness.



HRM1423 – Labor and Social Insurance Laws3 Credit Hours

This course covers in details the provisions of Saudi Labor Law and Social Insurance Law. The course deals with important topics such asdefinition of a labor contract, responsibilities of employers and employees, rules of discipline and penalties for violating labor law, wages, work related injuries, termination of employment contracts, labor disputes settlements committees. As for the Social Insurance Law, the course covers the importance and role of the Social Insurance law in the Kingdom, Social Insurance Law coverage, groups excluded from coverage, occupational hazard compensationو and pension compensation.


MGT1413 & HRM1321


HRM Core Requirements from Other Programs

MGT1212 – Organizational Behavior3 Credit Hours

This course integrates management principles and practices with human behavior within the organization. It focuses on management and organizational behavior theory applications to promote organizational effectiveness, efficiency, and human resource development.Topics covered include diversity in Organization, attitudes and job satisfaction, individual decision-making, group behavior, communication, leadership, and conflict and negotiation.



MGT1311 – Operations Management3 Credit Hours

This course introduces concepts, principles, problems, and practices of operations management. It focus on managerial processes for effective operations in both goods-producing and service-rendering organization. Topics include operations strategy, process design, capacity planning, facilities location and design, forecasting, production scheduling, inventory control, quality assurance, and project management.


MGT1211 & STAT1221

MGT1411 – Business Research Methods3 Credit Hours

Business Research Methods introduces students to the nature, scope, and objective of research and research methodologies. The course uses primary and secondary research methods with applications to specific business issues within student’s field of study, using qualitative and quantitative approaches. Students will complete an individual research proposal based on their business topic of interest, exposing them to research process stages including, formulating and clarifying research questions, writing a literature review, designing research, choosing appropriate methods of sampling, data collection and analysis, and reporting of findings.


MGT1211 & STAT1211

MGT1412 – Strategic Management3 Credit Hours

The course covers basic principles, skills and tools of strategic management, to provide students with an overview of the planning process of business strategies. Topics include concepts of corporate strategy, the decision-making process, strategic thinking, formation, implementation and evaluation of strategy.



MGT1413 – Business Law and Ethics3 Credit Hours

This course examines the formulation, interpretation, and application of law to business. It incorporates the study of ethical issues that arise in contemporary business settings, including professional conduct and corporate social responsibility. This course covers major areas of legal regulation businesses are subject to, including tort liability, contract law, partnership and corporate law, employment and labor law, intellectual property law, environmental regulation and sustainability, and financial regulation. Emphasis is placed on active, experiential application of legal reasoning and analysis and on the global and comparative dimensions of legal and ethical issues.



MGT1421 – Entrepreneurship3 Credit Hours

This course provides students with the skills necessary to succeed as an entrepreneur. The fundamentals of starting and operating a business, developing a business plan, obtaining financing, marketing a product or service and developing an effective accounting system will be covered. Also, this course evaluates the business skills and commitment necessary to successfully operate an entrepreneurial venture, and reviews the challenges of entrepreneurship.


MKT1211 & MGT1211 & FIN1221


HRM Elective Courses

HRM1431 – Management Leadership3 Credit Hours

This course primarily aims to help students develop effective and successful supervision and leadership techniques. It seeks to cover various areas such as motivation and communication, decision-making, problem-solving, managing work-groups and enhancing team cohesiveness. The highlights of the course include the supervisory functions of middle-management dealing in planning, conflict management and labor relations as they affect organizational performance.



HRM1432 – Knowledge Management3 Credit Hours

This course introduces students to theories, practices, tools and techniques of knowledge management and challenges faced by organizations in managing knowledge. This course discuss contemporary issues in knowledge management including knowledge creation, acquisition, dissemination, the role and use of knowledge in organizations, knowledge management systems and its application in knowledge generation and transfer, and ethical, and legal issues in knowledge management.



HRM1433 – Contemporary Issues in Human Resource Management3 Credit Hours

This course provide students with critical understanding of contemporary theories and practices of human resource management, by provides students with opportunities to reflect on, integrate, and extend their learning from other courses, and thereby blend theory and practice and gain an appreciation of the key challenges in today’s business environment.



HRM1434 – Crisis Management3 Credit Hours

This course provides students with essential tools needed to identify, prevent, and control crisis. It also helps students identify possible risks of a situation developing into a crisis and best possible response to such incidents. Moreover, this course equip students with skills needed to assess and improve contingency plans, and helps students identify most common weaknesses found in crisis management plans.

